On-Page SEO

The success of your website has a major dependence on maximized on-page optimization, or on-site optimization. This process deals with the correct setup and placement of various criteria that are used by search engines to rank your page high on their site.

There are numerous areas which need to be addressed in order to fully optimize your webpage. Following is a listing of the most important items which our Webpublishing.com techs can address for complete on-site optimization.

Optimize Title Tags – The title of each webpage should contain tags that provide a concise and accurate description of its content. Title tags normally show up on SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages).

Meta Tag Composition – Meta tags are contained within you web page’s HTML coding and are what is read by search engine crawlers.

Optimized URLs – URLs (Uniform Resource Locators) act as addresses for web pages. URLs should be optimized to provide the most relevant information for search engine crawlers. If URLs are not formed correctly or are complicated in their makeup, search engines may have difficulty reading them.

Spider Friendly Navigation – Spiders, also called crawlers or bots, are electronic search elements that are used by search engines to scan website content and other traits for determining ranking status. Spiders compile lists of relevant words and if they have trouble doing so, they will abandon your page. Therefore, it is important to have techs like ours optimize your site to achieve spider friendly navigation.

Duplicate Content Removal – When there is more than one source of the same content online, search engines could ingore it. It is therefore imperative that your content is unique.

Google Sitemap – Sitemaps are used to inform search engines of all pages contained within your website.

Keyword Density Report – A professional company like Webpublishing.com will provide you with a keyword density report which compares the number of relevant keywords on a web page to the total number of words. Proper keyword density is a vital component of on-site optimization. Too much or too little can have an adverse effect on your ranking.

Creation of Additional Content – Google and other major search engines have placed the quality of content above all other factors. Therefore, it is important to have quality content with a correct density of popular keywords added to your website on a regular basis. Our professional writers are skilled at supplying content that is reader and search engine friendly.

Blog Setup and Optimization – Blogs have become a key element in successful websites. The reason is that they provide specific information to readers on a regular basis, something which search engines smile upon.

Besides the above, our expert team at Webpublishing.com can optimize other on-site elements such as Robots.txt and Link Baiting as well as page size, image and loading time optimization.

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